Sabtu, 18 November 2023

Poliamori (Bagian 6)

Aku pernah menulis definisi-definisi verba untuk membedakan perasaan yang kita punya untuk orang lain. Hanya saja, ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini aku tulis saat aku masih SMA pula, jadi beberapa kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris-nya tampak berantakan, tetapi terlihat masih bisa masuk di akal juga buatku. So, here it is.


How to Distinguish Your Feelings to Others

"Nobody is like him/her. He/she is irreplaceable. Let him/her feel the same as I do."

Having a crush:
"I want him/her to be happy, to be excited, safe, and healthy. He/she doesn't need to care. It's enough."

To fall in love:
"He/she impresses me. I like something from him/her. I wanna know what it is. I'll try more."

To like:
"I don't want to be cared yet I don't want to lose him/her. So, let him/her be mine, please!"

To love:
"I've got this admiration. I try to give my affection to him/her. What I do is for him/her."

Being in love:
"I love everyone (objectively). It's better to love them than to be loved by them. It's nice."

Begitulah (dulu) aku membedakannya. Sudah. Itu saja.

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