Senin, 17 Oktober 2022

Catatan di Hari Ini (17-10-2022)

Dosen salah satu mata kuliah meniadakan kelas hari ini. Seharusnya, hari ini jadi kesempatanku untuk menghemat ongkos pulang-pergi rumah-kampus, tetapi tidak, aku memutuskan untuk pergi berjalan-jalan. Baru saja aku mencoba melakukan sebuah "misi egois" yang tidak akan kuceritakan di sini, yang berakhir gagal sehingga aku melipir ke tempat-tempat lain. Jadi, aku hanya akan bercerita tentang ke mana aku pergi sehabis itu.

Pertama, aku pergi ke sebuah kafe kecil di Jl. Imam Bonjol. Aku tahu kafe ini dari seorang kenalanku yang suka ke sana. Aku masuk, bertanya kepada penjaganya, "Minuman yang bisa (disajikan) panas apa saja?" Penjaganya menjawab kopi, teh, dan coklat. Aku memesan matcha latte dan satu donat. Aku duduk di luar, pilihan yang salah karena bagian luar adalah smoking area (lagipula, di dalam juga sudah penuh). Akan tetapi, tempatku duduk jauh dari pelanggan-pelanggan lain. Matcha latte-ku datang dan aku cukup terhibur dengan latte art-nya yang bagus.

Sambil menghabiskan donat, aku mencoba membaca suatu bab buku untuk studi literatur "tugas akhir"-ku.

Setelah makanan dan minumanku habis, aku masih ingin berjalan-jalan. Aku pun pergi ke toko buku favoritku di Jl. Supratman. Yang pertama terlihat olehku adalah bagian komik. Aku langsung tertarik dengan sampul salah satu manga yang anime-nya pernah kutonton. Judulnya, dalam bahasa Jepang, adalah Watashi ga Motete Dousunda, yang diterjemahkan menjadi 'Kiss Him, Not Me' atau 'Boys, Please Kiss Him Instead of Me' atau harfiahnya 'What's the Point of Me Getting Popular?' Aku hanya bisa mendengus karena judul manga-nya setelah diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia ini malah menjadi cheesy. Yah, bukan masalah, sih, karena masih masuk akal, sesuai dengan ceritanya (coba, deh, cari dan lihat premisnya. Menarik, kok), tetapi tetap saja agak ... gimanaaa gituch.

Kemudian, aku ke bagian buku puisi. Akhir-akhir ini, aku sedang ingin mempelajari puisi-puisinya Pak Joko Pinurbo, tetapi aku baru saja membeli buku puisinya Beni Satryo, jadi aku tidak akan membeli buku puisi lagi hari ini. Aku penasaran dengan kumpulan puisinya Pak Jokpin yang berjudul Telepon Genggam ini. Mengapa ada dua versi? Mengapa yang satu tebal, satu laginya tipis? Padahal harganya sama, penerbitnya sama, dan sampul bukunya juga masih sama (walau dengan gradasi warna yang sedikit berbeda). Apakah isinya berbeda? Seberapa berbeda? Aku tidak bisa melihat isinya karena semuanya dibungkus plastik dan aku tidak sebandel itu untuk membuka plastiknya. Jadi, siapa pun yang tahu dan pernah baca, tolong beri tahu, ya. T-T

(UPDATE 11-11-2022)

Setelah menemukan ada buku-bukunya yang terbuka plastiknya, ternyata bedanya hanya di jenis kertas yang dipakai. Salah satu, yang sampulnya lebih banyak gradasi merahnya, memakai kertas yang lebih tebal dan kaku. Meski jumlah halaman dan ukuran tulisannya sama, itu memengaruhi ketebalan bukunya secara keseluruhan.

Terakhir, aku menemukan satu buku lagi yang menarik perhatianku, yaitu Atuy Galon. Sebagai pengguna Twitter, aku tahu kisah tentang Atuy Galon yang membalas pesan datar-datar tetapi lawak. Yang aku suka dari sampulnya adalah si Atuy yang digambarkan lucu dan imut begini. Aku angkat topi untuk ilustrator sampulnya.

Akhirnya, aku ingin pulang. Aku memesan ojol. Bapak pengemudi ojol sempat salah jalan karena belum pernah ke daerah tempat tinggalku sebelumnya. Namun, aku sampai juga di rumahku. Kalau tidak, aku belum tentu memublikasikan catatanku ini lebih cepat, hehehe.

Sudah. Begitu saja. Peace.

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2022

Music Video Clips That Are Aesthetically Pleasing

So, I wrote something about Coldplay's Speed of Sound music video clip and Snow Patrol's Just Say Yes music video clip that are alike here (in Indonesian). I found that both are mesmerizing with their lamp light effects. I found more music video clips that are mesmerizing too with lamp light effects and I compiled them in this tweet below.


Other than those, I want to add more about music video clips that are pleasing to the eyes (still with a warning for those who have epilepsy). Here are the music video clips I came up with in chronological order.

Blur - The Universal (1995)

Blur took inspiration from Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange. I like that the colour palette of the MV consists of blue, red, orange (duh!), and mostly white, some contrasting colours in many shades that blend in harmony in the MV. Of course, younger Blur personnel also offer some delights.

Savage Garden - I Want You (1996)

I just love the futuristic theme and an old-school feeling blended in this MV. Also, the human interface thing reminds me of that experiment in A Clockwork Orange. Another Kubrick-y one.

Oasis - Don't Go Away (1997)

The song itself brings the best from Liam Gallagher and his voice. So does the MV. The MV's concept is creative, the colours are stunning, Liam Gallagher looks gorgeous, and all of them successfully create a complex emotion. Both the song and the MV are great.

The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (2003)

Less is more. Simplicity is the best. Any praises that you have for this MV, just say it outright before you get attacked by the seven nation army, or more.

Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out (2004)

Franz Ferdinand, dadaism, and 1st World War references. What's not a whole package? Besides, we know that war is something cold, but this MV uses some rather warm colours to create a vintage feeling.

Blink-182 - I Miss You (2004)

Ah yes, this is the eponymous long-distance relationship anthem. But, we can't ignore that the MV is charming as well. The MV gives us that longing and solemn atmosphere. I heard that this MV was nominated for "the best music video clip" in some awards, but I'm not sure because I can't find any trusted sources. So, please correct me.

Owl City - Fireflies (2009)

Aside from the meme, this song, this MV, and Adam Young are pretty good. Everything about the MV, like the concept, the theme, the littering and loitering toys, brings a comfortable, fun childhood memory. I would not believe that this song was performed by only one person.

Muse - Undisclosed Desires (2009)

The video is simple. It's only Muse personnel playing and a dancer dancing in the same room (different locations). But, the equipment around them makes it fancy. Not to mention the dancer's choreography.

Super Junior - No Other (2010)

It's rare to include a K-pop song here, but this will do. The vibe and colours from this MV are warm and fuzzy like they will always soothe you. Yes, the members also bring the appeal by doing what they do in the MV. They can dance gracefully and their wardrobe is impressive, especially in this MV.

fun. - Walking the Dogs (2010)

Maybe I should especially add the seizure warning for this MV because of the flashing lights and the contrasting colours. But, this MV is still a fun watch. Don't forget to walk your dog also.

Linkin Park - Waiting for the End to Come (2010)

One of the commenters on YouTube said that every second of this MV is wallpaper-able. I couldn't agree more. Of course, it will adorn our computer's desktop.

Thirty Seconds to Mars - Up in the Air (2013)

30STM got many challenging themes in their MVs including this one. This MV is like an art project got exhibited in a renowned art gallery, and it's very beautiful + artistic. I've just known that Jared Leto was in Visual Arts major, so there's that to the MV.

Chvrches - Lies (2013)

Watching this MV is like a terrestrial space odyssey. I do love Stanley Kubrick's movies, and this MV reminds me of them. The shoots, every scene, in the video are excellent.

OneRepublic - Love Runs Out (2014)

You'll just know that this is a hidden, visual and auditory, gem. We do love energetic songs and MVs! Just for this time, our love won't run out.

Besides this, I also reviewed another OneRepublic's MV, Wherever I Go, here (in Indonesian). It's one of my favourite MVs because it's a good one too.

Taylor Swift - Style (2015)

It's cinematic, aesthetic, sensual, yet calming. Yes, this MV and Taylor Swift really describe what 'style' is. I mean, she is grace, she is beauty, she is Taylor Swift, she'll never go out of style.

Coldplay - Up&Up (2016)

This MV is a play on perspective and it's very fun. Coldplay sure explored surrealist themes for their MV. They executed it quite beautifully too.

I think many Coldplay's MVs are pleasant to watch. My other recommendations: The Scientist, Viva La Vida, Strawberry Swing, Lovers in Japan, Every Teardrop is a Waterfall, and Paradise. (Please tell me if any others become your favourites.)

Sheryl Sheinafia, Rizky Febrian, & Chandra Liouw - Sweet Talk (2017)

This MV is unique because you can watch it vertically. It's also a play on perspective. We can see that this MV is creatively made and relatable because we can't be far from social media nowadays, right?

5 Seconds of Summer - Want You Back (2018)

Yeah, these are our favourite Australian boys playing their instruments in some confusing, rotating, colourful square rooms for each of them. The song and the MV are dance-y and will make you dance, do the dance-y dance. I think that's the purpose of the MV. It will be fun, though, trust me.

Other 5 Seconds of Summer's MVs that I found aesthetic: Valentine, Teeth, and Wildflower.

Meg Myers - Numb (2018)

You'll love the cinematography and the narrative from this MV. It's also Kubrick-y (pt. 4).

Kings of Convenience - Rocky Trail (2021)

For the closure, I want to show the comeback of the Kings. I adore the warm and colourful tone from this MV, it's giving the Scandinavian vibe away. The house where this MV was shot seems cosy it makes me want to join the cosiness.


That's all, folks. I hope you enjoy this review. If you have your favourite aesthetically pleasing music video clips, you can share them with us. Thank you for reading!