Senin, 02 November 2020

Places I Want to Visit

 (Day 4 of #30DaysWritingChallenge)

This is a tough one. I always want to go somewhere and travel even to the edge of the world. Yes, I want to go travelling. But first, I have to travel around my own country before I go abroad. There are still some mountains to have a refreshing hiking, pristine beaches, and friendly, vintage or contemporary cities and towns in Indonesia.
(Pictures by n.ram with editing)

Other countries that I've visited are Malaysia, Singapore, and Japan. If I have the chance, I might revisit those countries sometime. I also wish to visit Scandinavia/Nordic countries because of their pleasant-to-the-eyes nature. And here are the others:
  • Scotland, United Kingdom, but I also intend to visit somewhere else in the UK, like London, England
(Picture from
  • Italy, especially Naples
(Picture from
  • Some nice, challenging places in Russia
(Picture from

  • Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey
(Picture by Kubra Colpan)
  • and, of course, the places to visit when in pilgrimage (hajj)
(Picture from

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