Rabu, 18 November 2020

First Loves

(Day 19 of #30DaysWritingChallenge)

The title is right. It's in plural form.

I had a male friend who had curly hair in my kindergarten. I found him adorable at that time. Gosh, even me when I was a kid had already known that kind of thing.

And then, there was this cute boy whom I liked in my elementary school since 2nd grade until 5th grade, but I never got to make him know.

There's also a story when I had a crush on a handsome, great-in-English-language boy in my middle school who already had a girlfriend (his girlfriend was in a different school). I told him my feeling in a letter written with my English poem on it. Of course, I would get rejected.

I don't think I could consider my crushes in my senior high school as "first loves". Only some ordinary crushes. Perhaps it's because I've experienced how it is to have a crush, so it's not very special. Well, I had a liking to one of my seniors just for a moment and fell for my close friends. Unfortunately (and certainly), nothing worked because I didn't feel to confess anything anymore. Love was too amorous at that time.

However, I came to identify my crushing as first love again in college because it's like coming-of-age stuff as a young adult. My last first love occurred when I was in my 2nd semester of college. Ironically, the man whom I had a crush on at that moment was my other friend in senior high school. This friend of mine was a board of the student council and the chairman of the board of mosque family (dewan kemakmuran masjid) in my senior high school. He wasn't in the same faculty (and, indeed, the same major), but we were friends for some period. He was gorgeous and smart. I saw him as a mentor figure. But, things didn't work well so we parted ways.

The thing is, I'd like to see my experience as lessons to become a better person and to love better. I hope, when I've met the one I will spend the rest of my life with, I'm ready to love more in a certain way that I can do. So, come what may!

Selasa, 17 November 2020

30 Facts

(Day 18 of #30DaysWritingChallenge)

1. I was born on the 15th of March, 1998.

2. I'm a human.

3. I breathe.

4. I digest my food with my digestive system in my body.

5. I see with my eyes.

6. I hear with my ears.

7. I'm an Indonesian.

8. I'm also an Asian.

9. My ethnicity is Javanese.

10. I'm a Muslim.

11. I'm a visual type of person.

12. I can be very moody.

13. I like sleeping.

14. My favourite food are dairy products.

15. My favourite beverage is tea.

16. I don't like cucumber.

16. I was a lefty when I was a child, but not anymore.

18. My favourite music genre is rock.

19. Coloured noise is also good for me, though.

20. I like to watch anime and movies.

21. I like watching YouTube too.

22. I like Revolusi dari Secangkir Kopi by Didik Fortunadi.

23. I have three younger siblings.

24. I like cats.

25. I'm about 4'11" (150 cm) tall right now.

26. Besides sleeping, watching, and reading, my hobby is writing.

27. I've written the number 16 twice.

28. Now, you just check the numbering.

29. I like strong, witty, cool men.

30. I think, therefore I exist.

Senin, 02 November 2020

Places I Want to Visit

 (Day 4 of #30DaysWritingChallenge)

This is a tough one. I always want to go somewhere and travel even to the edge of the world. Yes, I want to go travelling. But first, I have to travel around my own country before I go abroad. There are still some mountains to have a refreshing hiking, pristine beaches, and friendly, vintage or contemporary cities and towns in Indonesia.
(Pictures by n.ram with editing)

Other countries that I've visited are Malaysia, Singapore, and Japan. If I have the chance, I might revisit those countries sometime. I also wish to visit Scandinavia/Nordic countries because of their pleasant-to-the-eyes nature. And here are the others:
  • Scotland, United Kingdom, but I also intend to visit somewhere else in the UK, like London, England
(Picture from behance.net)
  • Italy, especially Naples
(Picture from behance.net)
  • Some nice, challenging places in Russia
(Picture from tourtoplanet.com)

  • Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey
(Picture by Kubra Colpan)
  • and, of course, the places to visit when in pilgrimage (hajj)
(Picture from playbuzz.com)