It's time to write this because I want to share it. Pardon, because I'm an Indonesian and the subtitles in the videos are in Indonesian. I try to make this short. So, without further ado, here they are.
(Caution: May contain spoilers)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange: "I'm not ready."
The Ancient One: "No one ever is. We don't get to choose our time."
The Ancient One: (Grabs Strange's hand)
The Ancient One: "Death's what gives life meaning, to know that your day is numbered. Your time is short."
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Neo: "But if you already know, how can I make a choice?"
The Oracle: "Because you didn't come here to make the choice. You've already made it. You're here to try to understand why you made it."
The Oracle: "We're all here to do what we're all here to do."
The Oracle: "We can never see pass the choices [that] we don't understand."
Neo: "Are you saying I have to choose whether Trinity lives or dies?"
The Oracle: "No. You've already made the choice. Now, you have to understand it."
V for Vendetta (2005)
V: "You said you wanted to live without fear. I wish there'd been an easier way, but there wasn't."
V: "I know you may never forgive me, but nor will you understand how hard it was for me to do what I did. Everyday, I saw in myself everything you see in me now. Everyday, I wanted to end it. But, each time you refused to give in, I know I couldn't."
V: "You could have ended it, Evey. You could have given in, but you didn't. Why?"
Evey: "Leave me alone! I hate you!"
V: "That's it! See, at first, I thought it was hate too. Hate was all I knew. It built my world, imprisoned me, taught me how to eat, how to drink, how to breathe. I thought I'd die with all the hate in my veins. But then, something happened. It happened to me just as it happened to you."
Evey: "Shut up! I don't want to hear your lies!"
V: "Your own father said that artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But, because you believed it, you found something true about yourself."
Evey: "I can't feel anything anymore!"
V: "Don't run from it, Evey, you've been running all your life."
V: "This may be the most important moment of your life. Commit it to it."
V: "The only thing you had left was your life, but it wasn't."
Evey: "Oh, please."
V: "You found something else. In that cell, you found something that mattered more to you than life. Because when they threatened to kill you unless you gave them what they wanted, you told them you'd rather die. You faced your death, Evey. You were calm. You were still."
Evey: "God is in the rain."
(And then, Evey finds her newfound courage and forgives V seemingly.)
I wanted to highlight all dialogues in that scene, but it would be too long, so I picked some that I think is more relevant. :))
Passengers (2016)
Arthur: "Well, say you could snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to be. I bet you'd still feel this way: not in the right place. Point is, you can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be that you forget how to make the most of where you are."
Kung Fu Panda 1 (2008), Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011), and Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
All of the scenes and dialogues, duh! I mean, it's my comfort movie saga with many valuable lessons.
And that's all from me. What are yours?