"You're tired? Upset? Feel it! That's the sign of growing up!" said a division lecturer from IMTG 'GEA' ITB.
Up until now, I didn't know what that means. Honestly, I almost thought that that's nonsense. How can feeling of jadedness make us grow up, thus make us stronger? How can something like that work when my energy becomes "leafless" and I break into pieces in and out? Well, I've traced myself, what I've encountered, and what I know.
Once, I asked Ridwansyah Yusuf (PL'05), president of Kabinet KM ITB 2009/2010, and Arfi Rafnialdi (SI'96), "What does it take to be a leader?" They answered that a leader must be clever, responsible, having integrity, and being able to communicate well. The way to whet those skills is to face many challenges. A leader is made from crisis and he/she must face the crisis. That's how we prove ourselves that we can be a leader.
Crisis. Yes, crisis. Do we need crisis? Why do we need crisis? Assume that crisis is a challenge which we encounter. A crisis makes us want to find a solution for a problem. When we want to find the solution, we create a vision if the problem's been solved. The clearer the vision is, the lighter the missions, the steps to pass through crisis, are. No challenge is given to those who can't bear it.
People have their past, present and future, and also what matters is if they intend to learn from it. People are given choices to be or not to be out from their selfish comfort-zone. People have got their own weaknesses, but that doesn't mean that they can't try new things. New things can be the challenges, right? There are these words: "Challenge the limit, not limit the challenge." Well, human's ability is finite, yet we never know how good we are whether we didn't think that we are better than we think.
So, here's my advice: Get lost, everyone!
"Oh, no. I'm doomed." Maybe that's the first thing we think. But, have you ever wondered that if we dare ourselves to get lost, we'll find something precious, something beautiful? We may find many other ways and many other methods. If we get lost, we will get a lot of lessons. Imagine yourself doesn't do anything this time. Will you earn some knowledge? Will you be stronger?
To become "someone", we need to be a stronger individual everyday, every time.
May the feeling of jadedness makes us not give up to go beyond our own limit that we build. If we fall, we'll have to get up again. That's all.
May the feeling of jadedness makes us not give up to go beyond our own limit that we build. If we fall, we'll have to get up again. That's all.